First Social Media Class
So first social media class... nice teacher... speaks extremely fast.. but it was ok, I did understand 90% of what he said... the other 10% was about things that I never heard in my entire life.. first, he started to name a lot of websites that I have no idea (not even sure if it is spelled like that)
Logan Paul (who the fuck is this guy... need to start to look it up) (never heard of it) (at least one I knew about) (no fucking idea) ( i think I have heard of it, not sure)
Kloof (it supposed to be a social media for dogs or pets....not going there.. I'll spend a lot of time in there)
Twitch. com ( or something like that... in his exact words it's a for gamers, hahaha)
and another bunch of things that I have no idea.
He also talked about the G's and for g's he ment 3g, 4g and the coming 5g and that in some places on Malasia it was 2g.. and he was amazed with that... well in Colombia there are places where we dont have g's at all!!!
He also named that Australia internet its a crap.. and i have to agree in that, in colombia we have better internet conection, and remember that that in some places in Colombia we dont have g's....
So this should be around 400 words in order to count for my assignment... but I should also talk about next week seminar so let's talk about something I liked about it.
Smart Goal
Smart Goals is the acronym for
Agreed Upon
i really think this is interesting, important amd usefull so im setting a smart goal for me... it wuld be something like this.
Im going to inrease mu Social media followers by 50% by asking my clasmates to follow me on instagram by the end of the semester.
So if you read all of these and you are in my class of social media you already know all these things, and also please follow me on Instagram!!! hahahahaha
Ps: Please notice that the 80% of the time I'm just joking.... the other 20% I'm sleeping
Ps2: Please ignore any dumb mistake... English is not my first language!!!
Thank you for your time!!! and have a nice day! (not even sure if it is spelled like that)
Logan Paul (who the fuck is this guy... need to start to look it up) (never heard of it) (at least one I knew about) (no fucking idea) ( i think I have heard of it, not sure)
Kloof (it supposed to be a social media for dogs or pets....not going there.. I'll spend a lot of time in there)
Twitch. com ( or something like that... in his exact words it's a for gamers, hahaha)
and another bunch of things that I have no idea.
He also talked about the G's and for g's he ment 3g, 4g and the coming 5g and that in some places on Malasia it was 2g.. and he was amazed with that... well in Colombia there are places where we dont have g's at all!!!
He also named that Australia internet its a crap.. and i have to agree in that, in colombia we have better internet conection, and remember that that in some places in Colombia we dont have g's....
So this should be around 400 words in order to count for my assignment... but I should also talk about next week seminar so let's talk about something I liked about it.
Smart Goal
Smart Goals is the acronym for
Agreed Upon
i really think this is interesting, important amd usefull so im setting a smart goal for me... it wuld be something like this.
Im going to inrease mu Social media followers by 50% by asking my clasmates to follow me on instagram by the end of the semester.
So if you read all of these and you are in my class of social media you already know all these things, and also please follow me on Instagram!!! hahahahaha
Ps: Please notice that the 80% of the time I'm just joking.... the other 20% I'm sleeping
Ps2: Please ignore any dumb mistake... English is not my first language!!!
Thank you for your time!!! and have a nice day!
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